How We Help
The Ripple Pond exists to ensure that everyone caring for a loved one who has a service attributable physical or psychological injury in the British Armed Forces Community is genuinely seen, heard, and supported.
We know supporting a loved one can be difficult at times and we know trying to navigate treatment pathways, addiction support and just normal life can be full on, even more so when you add in the complexities of a military injury.
Whether you are supporting someone with a physical injury or psychological injury, whether you have experience of military life or not, whether you are a parent, spouse, grandparent, sibling, adult child, chosen family or any “loved one” – we are here for you.
By becoming a Member of The Ripple Pond, you will be immersing yourself in a community of people who understand your situation. No more having to explain yourself, we all just get it.
We are here to provide you with the support you deserve.
At The Ripple Pond we offer several different services to help you.
Our Services
Employment Support Partnership
Supporting a loved one with an injury can be difficult, navigating employment at the same time can add further pressure. Together with The Poppy Factory we want to make that a bit easier - from help in finding a new role, support in an existing role, to recognising your skills and overcoming barriers. This partnership will provide the joined up approach so vital for our members to empower and support them to succeed.